Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Anime Club Reminder: Meeting this Sunday

Hey everybody, it's that time again! Yes, time for the monthly meeting of the Irving Anime Club. We'll be at the Central library from 2-5PM this Sunday in the auditorium to watch anime (and maybe some interesting videos online :), so be there or miss out on all the fun. This week we're going to be starting XXXHolic (pronounced "holic" like "alcoholic"), so be there for that. Also be there for more freebies and giveaways (plus snacks, you ravenous people!). We might have some other surprises in store.

Study up for trivia! As always, there will be questions, which I hope some of you can answer. Read up on the newsletters! Speaking of newsletters, I've finally managed to get the August newsletter converted to pdf. Here's the link; enjoy!

See you Sunday!

Comments, question, suggestions? Write us at!

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