Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Reminder! Game Night is Tomorrow!

One last time, game night is tomorrow night, Dec. 27th! I should be able to open the doors at 6, so be there as early as you want. Remember the rules:

1. Bring your gear in a bag
2. Label your gear with your name

The Irving Public Library will not be responsible for any lost/stolen/damaged items. That is why you must take all precautions so that nobody accidentally walks off with your game or controllers. We'll have staff helping keep track of all materials, but remember, when it comes down to it it's your responsibility to keep track of your stuff. Besides which I don't want any angry parents calling up and griping me out.

That being said, come to have a good time and relax with your buds. We will have a few snacks, but after what I'm sure has been several days of dietary excess, we're not going to make a point of having a bunch of stuff. As always, if you bring something we'd be very grateful. We look forward to seeing you there!

PS. Remember the art contest is open for submissions until the end of game night with entries being judged for the January meeting.

1 comment:

maple_girl_2919 said...

Ok I gotcha' ;]

I've been feeling a bit unwell but I'm trying hard to heal up so I can come, I don't wanna miss out Dx