Snacks and drinks will be provided, but as these are funded generously out of staff members' pockets (which are not funded generously), please help us out if you can. We'll watch some more Genshiken and possibly another title to be announced. Please remember that this club and these titles are rated PG-13 and TV14.
Also be on hand for the continuing saga of anime trivia! Remember, for sure at least one of the questions will come out of last month's newsletter, so either bring your copy or take notes! Also read Wikipedia articles on anime that we have watched in the past or have mentioned in other trivia. Last, but not least, remember that trivia questions are reused if no-one answers correctly, so if you keep track of what we've been asking, you can guarantee yourself a win. (Keep an eye out for the online version of last month's newsletter coming soon).
Fun Stuff: We'll be doing door prizes, so you might get something just because you're there. Also, rewards for people who bring a friend who has never attended before. We'll give you good stuff. Also we may run miscellaneous games and events. You won't know unless you're there, so be there!
Volunteers: I need a couple (or more) people who want to help run the show. If turnout is anything like last time, we'll need people overseeing room and game setup, tournaments, making sure people get their turns, and taking down systems. I also want people who can help enforce rules (as in, do not get trash on the floor, do not run around on the stage, do not throw food, etc) and who will be there at 9 helping pack up, pick up, and get everybody out the doors. If you're up for it, there will be some small rewards and our official thank you. Just let me know ahead of time if you want to do it.
The rules: Attendance is free and open to the public. For gaming, all ages are allowed; for anime, attendees must be 14 and over and have returned a registration sheet. The Irving Public Library assumes no responsibility for lost, damaged or abandoned property (which is why you need to mark it clearly with your name). All attendees must abide by all Library policies. Rude, dangerous, or otherwise improper behavior will not be tolerated. Nat-Wu is not afraid of throwing people out and as a matter of fact enjoys it, so don't tempt him. At 5PM the library closes; if you are not inside by 5:30PM, be prepared to wait four hours for your ride. Re-entry will not be allowed if you leave after this time. Only staff is allowed to go in and out. This is for safety reasons. We had some problems with this at the last one, but we won't this time. Once the doors are locked and closed, if you leave, you're gone. Be nice and have a good time.

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